MBC on Etsy!


Exciting news for Blobby fans - our good friends at Mr Blobby Collection have opened their own Etsy store!

The MBC Etsy Shop launched only a few weeks ago but already stocks of their birthday cards and postcards are looking wobbly - it seems old Blobs still has his fans!

MBC themselves have this to say about their shop and how it all came about:


“After collecting over 500 pieces of Mr Blobby merchandise, we wanted to share our love for all the products that were made. We’ve been sharing our Blobby illustrations for a couple of years and have been blown away by so many lovely comments and messages. We finally decided to have some of them reproduced as greetings cards, from Blobby fans for Blobby fans. We hope to create a larger range soon including a Christmas card nearer to December. So watch this space! We couldn’t have predicted any of this when we created our Instagram account in 2018. We were convinced no one would be interested, thankfully we were proved wrong and there’s still a lot of love for Blobby!”

MBC’s products can be found here.